By: W17-1 Since: Feb 2019 Licence: MIT

1. Welcome to The Food Diary


If you would like to get use the Food Diary straightaway, jump to Section 2, “Quick Start” to get started

What is the Food Diary?

The Food Diary (FD) is a desktop app for storing your personal food reviews and obtain food recommendations based on your past reviews.

Why use the Food Diary?

The Food Diary is a one-stop application for you to document your food adventures and receive personalised recommendations for the next hidden gem to please your tastebuds.

Despite being optimized for those who prefer to work with a Command Line Interface (CLI), the Food Diary also has the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). To all you fast-typers out there, FD can get your foodie tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps! Furthermore, FD also stores your data locally, ensuring that you get security on top of speed.

Some of the features that you can look forward to:

  • Keeping track of restaurants you’ve visited.

  • Getting an aggregate rating over all your visits.

  • Finding out about new restaurants near you for your next gastronomical adventure!

Read on to find out more about the other exciting features of FD!


Callouts are boxes with important information regarding the usage of the Food Diary. These 3 callouts are used throughout our User Guide.

This is a note. A note indicates important additional information that should be read.
This is a tip. A tip indicates good to know information that would improve your user experience.
This is a warning. A warning indicates critical information that would affect the functionality of this programme.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java version 9 or later installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest fooddiary.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Food Diary.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list : lists all restaurants

    • addReview 1 rr/4 re/delicious : adds a review to the 1st restaurant in the list, Astons, with rating 4 with the comment "delicious"

    • delete 3 : deletes the 3rd restaurant shown in the list

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Features

Command Format

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/Burger King.

  • Items in square brackets are optional. e.g. in add n/NAME a/ADDRESS po/POSTAL CODE [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [t/TAG]…​ [w/WEBLINK] [o/OPENING_HOURS], PHONE, EMAIL, TAG, WEBLINK and OPENING_HOURS are optional.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies re/ENTRY rr/RATING, rr/RATING re/ENTRY is also acceptable.

3.1. Restaurant Features

3.1.1. Adding a restaurant: add

You can add a restaurant that is not found in the current list of restaurants.

  • To add a restaurant, the minimal information you need to have is its name, address and postal code.

  • A restaurant can have any number of tags (including 0).

  • A restaurant can have a phone number, email, weblink and opening hours or none.


  • add n/Astons a/Blk 30 Geylang Street 29, #06-40 po/267951 p/66123024 e/ w/ o/1000 to 2300

  • add n/Bangkok Jam p/65272758 e/ a/Blk 30 Lorong 3 Serangoon Gardens, #07-18 po/018956 t/Spicy

  • add n/KFC a/Bukit Panjang Plaza po/670111

When you are adding in the Weblink, the Food Diary will check whether the Weblink is valid for you. You need to have internet connection, else the Food Diary will proceed to add the restaurant without the Weblink.


Image 1.1 When there is no internet connection, adding a restaurant with weblink will display this result

3.1.2. Editing details of a restaurant : edit

You can edit the details of a restaurant identified by the index number used in the list.
Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [po/POSTAL] [t/TAG]…​ [w/WEBLINK] [o/OPENING HOURS]

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurants list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • edit 2 n/MACS
    Changes the name of the second restaurant in the list to MACS.

When you are editing the Weblink of a restaurant, the Food Diary will check whether the Weblink is valid for you. You need to have internet connection else, the Food Diary will not edit the Weblink for you.

3.1.3. Deleting a restaurant: delete

Delete a restaurant that is in the current list of restaurants.
Format: delete INDEX

  • Deletes the restaurant at the specified INDEX.

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurants list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • delete 1
    Deletes the first restaurant in the Food Diary.

  • filter Western
    delete 2
    Deletes the second restaurant in the filtered list with the cuisine Western.

3.1.4. Listing all restaurants : list

Shows a list of all restaurants in the Food Diary.
Format: list


  • list
    Returns a list of all the restaurants in the Food Diary.

3.1.5. Listing all restaurants that you have not visited : listUnvisited

Shows a list of all restaurants that have not been reviewed by you, ranked based on the proximity to the postal code provided by you.
Format: listUnvisited po/POSTAL_CODE

Calculation of proximity is based on Restaurant 's postal code. If no postal code or an invalid postal code is provided for a restaurant, it will appear at the bottom of the list.


  • listUnvisited po/267951
    Shows all the restaurants that has no reviews ranked based on the proximity to the postal code 267951.

If you simply want to view unreviewed restaurants, enter listUnvisited po/000000.

3.1.6. Sorting restaurants by rating: sort

Sorting your restaurants from favourite to least favourite, or vice versa, has never been easier. Order all of the restaurants in the Food Diary from highest to lowest ratings based on the average ratings from all the reviews that you have given each restaurant.
Format: sort [or/ORDER] [l/LIMIT]

  • ORDER refers to the order in which the restaurants will be sorted and can only take the form of or/ASC or or/DES, case-insensitive.

    • When sort or/ASC is executed, the list of restaurants returned will be in ascending order of ratings.

    • When sort or/DES is executed, the list of restaurants returned will be in descending order of ratings.

  • LIMIT refers to the number of ranks of restaurants to be displayed and must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • If the LIMIT you have entered is larger than the number of unique ratings in the list of restaurants, all of the restaurants in the sorted list will be shown.

  • Just want to see your favourite restaurants first? Enter the sort command without any parameters to see all of the restaurants, from highest to lowest rating!


  • sort or sort or/DES
    Both will sort your list of restaurants in descending order of ratings.

  • sort or/asC or sort or/ASC
    Both will sort your list of restaurants in ascending order of ratings.

  • sort or/ASC l/2
    Your list of restaurants will be sorted in ascending order of ratings and you will only see the restaurants with the 2 lowest ratings displayed.

Restaurants with no reviews will have no ratings, and will thus have an N.A. rating. Restaurants with N.A. rating will come before those with positive ratings if in ascending order, and after those with positive ratings if sorted in descending order.

Example of usage:

  • Before the sort command is executed, the following shows the list of restaurants in the restaurant list.

beforesort1 beforesort2

Figure 1. List of restaurants before sorting, take note of their unordered ratings

  • After 2 different sort commands are executed



Figure 2. List of restaurants with the 2 lowest ratings in ascending order is obtained when the command sort or/ASC l/2 is executed

Figure 3. List of restaurants with the 3 highest ratings in descending order of ratings is obtained when the command sort or/DES l/3 is executed

3.1.7. Searching restaurants by name: find

Find restaurants with names containing any of the given keywords.

Only full words will be matched e.g. Mac would not return MacDonald’s


  • find KFC
    Returns any restaurant with name containing KFC.

3.1.8. Selecting a restaurant : select

Select a restaurant based on its index on the list and display information about it.
Format: select INDEX

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurants list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • select 3
    Selects the restaurant in the displayed restaurants list with index 3 and displays its summary and reviews.


Figure 1. Before selecting any restaurant


Figure 2. After selecting restaurant with index 3, Chilis' summary and reviews are displayed in the second and third (from left to right) respectively

3.1.9. Setting the categories of a restaurant : setCategories

Sets the categories of a restaurant identified by the index number used in the list.
Format: setCategories INDEX [c/CUISINE] [oc/OCCASION] [pr/PRICE_RANGE]

  • You can make use of the autocomplete suggestions to type faster!

  • When a category’s prefix (c/, oc/ or pr/) is keyed in, suggestions will appear. Use arrow keys to select the desired suggestion and press enter. The suggestion will be filled automatically for you!

Step by step guide on how to set categories:

Step 1: List all the restaurants by typing list, then press enter, as shown below.

setcategories stepone

Figure 1: After typing list. Oh no, the categories for Aston’s are wrong! It is definitely not Chinese. Let’s change it.

Step 2: Choose a restaurant you want to set categories to. Let us choose Astons for this example. Take note that Astons is identified by INDEX 1. Start typing setCategories 1 c/ as follows:

setcategories steptwo

Figure 2: Notice suggestions for cuisines will pop up. Use arrow keys to select the desired suggestion and press enter, or you can also choose to continue typing something not in the suggestions.

Step 3: Continue keying in the occasion prefix after you finished keying in the cuisine. The occasion prefix is oc/. Follow Figure 3 shown below.

setcategories stepthree

Figure 3: Once again, you can pick the occasion you see in the suggestions or continue typing.

Step 4: Key in the price range next, as demonstrated by Figure 4 below. The price range prefix is pr/.

setcategories stepfour

Figure 4: Pick a price range from the list or just type, whichever is faster for you.

Step 5: Press enter and the categories will be set! Else, you might have made a typo somewhere. You should see the following status message shown in the Figure below.

setcategories stepfive

Figure 5: Success!

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurants list.

  • You need to ensure that the index entered must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • You need to ensure that the Price Range entered must only consist of 1-5 $ characters. e.g. $, $$$

  • You need to ensure that Cuisine and Occasion must only contain alphanumeric characters and spaces.

  • You do not need to worry about capitalization for Cuisine and Occasion. e.g. fast food will be capitalized to Fast Food.

  • You can key in categories in any order. e.g. Price Range before Cuisine

  • You can set any number of categories at once.

Other examples you can try:

  • setCategories 2 oc/Premium Casual pr/$
    Sets the categories of the second restaurant in the list to Premium Casual for occasion and $ for price range.

  • setCategories 3 c/Western
    Only sets the cuisine of the third restaurant to Western.

3.1.10. Filtering restaurants based on category: filter

Filters and lists the restaurants with categories matching the keywords entered.

Step by step guide on how to filter:

Step 1: Suppose you want to filter out all Western, Japanese, as well as Chinese restaurants. Type filter western japanese chinese into the command box.

Step 2: Press enter again and now all Western, Japanese and Chinese restaurants will be shown.

  • You can enter keywords in any case. Filtering is case insensitive. e.g. western will match Western

  • You can filter across categories and also within categories of the same type. e.g. japanese $, japanese western

  • Keying in more keywords will make the filter more general, not specific.

  • You can enter keywords in any order. $ casual is the same as casual $.

  • You must enter words in full. e.g. west will not match western

  • Restaurants matching at least one keyword will be displayed. e.g. fast food will match hawker food

Some examples you can try:

  • filter fine dining casual
    Displays restaurants with any category matching fine, dining or casual.

  • filter $ casual western
    Displays restaurants with any category matching $, casual or western.

3.1.11. Display website of selected restaurant : visitWeb

The restaurant’s website can serve as your reference when you are adding it into your restaurant list or when writing a review for the restaurant.

You can display the website of a restaurant identified by the index number used in the list based on its weblink.
Format: visitWeb INDEX

  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed restaurants list.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

You can also display the website of any restaurant by entering its url.
Format: visitWeb URL

This allows you to visit website of any restaurant before they are entered into the list of restaurants in the FoodDiary.

Website is displayed on a browser window which shows upon visitWeb command.

A URL is a valid link to a website. It should be in this format: local-part.domain and adhere to the following contraints:

  1. The local-part should only contain alphanumeric characters and these special characters, excluding the parentheses, (!#$%&'*+/=?`{|}~^.-)

  2. This is followed by a '.' and then a domain name. The domain name must:

    1. be at least 2 characters long,

    2. start and end with alphanumeric characters,

    3. consist of alphanumeric characters, a period or a hyphen for the characters in between, if any.


  • list
    visitWeb 4
    This command displays the webpage of the 4th Restaurant in your restaurant list.

  • visitWeb
    This command displays webpage of Jollibee as shown below.


Image 1.1 Result of visitWeb

You need to have internet connection to visit the website of the restaurant.

3.2. Review Features

3.2.1. Adding a review: addReview

Adds a review to the Food Diary
Format: addReview INDEX re/ENTRY rr/RATING

  • Adds the review to the restaurant specified by the INDEX. The index refers to the index number of the restaurant in the currently displayed list of restaurants. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • ENTRY is a text field that includes both alphabets and numbers.

  • RATING is a number that has to be a value from 0-5 inclusive. It represents a score out of 5 that is assigned to the restaurant with the added review.

  • Both fields (ENTRY and RATING) are compulsory and must be provided. There are no default values that either will take should the field be unspecified.


  • addReview 2 re/Peach Pie was amazing rr/4
    Adds a review to the second restaurant in the list.

3.2.2. Editing a specified review : editReview

Edit selected fields in a specified entry.
Format: editReview INDEX [re/ENTRY] [rr/RATING]

  • Edits the review at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number of the review of the selected Restaurant. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • A restaurant must be selected via the select command or with a mouse click on the desired restaurant card (see screenshots below for an illustration)

  • At least one of the optional fields (either ENTRY or RATING) must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

Steps to execute editReview command:

  • From the main screen of the application, first select a restaurant by clicking on it with the mouse or using the select INDEX command.

UG editReview selected restaurant

Figure 1. Upon selecting a restaurant, the reviews of the restaurant will show on the rightmost review panel

  • Following the above, enter the command. Upon successful execution of the command:

UG editReview command executed

Figure 2. The above screenshot shows the end-product of the successful execution of editReview command


  • editReview 2 re/Food isn’t the best
    Edits the comment of the second review to Food isn’t the best

  • editReview 2 re/Food isn’t the best rr/4
    Edits the comment of the second review to Food isn’t the best and the rating to be 4.

3.2.3. Deleting a review : deleteReview

Deletes the review from the Food Diary.
Format: deleteReview INDEX

  • Deletes the review at the specified INDEX. The INDEX refers to the index number of the review of the selected Restaurant. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • A restaurant must be selected via the select command or with a mouse click on the desired restaurant card (similar to the above screenshots).


  • deleteReview 2
    Deletes the 2nd review of the selected restaurant in the Food Diary.

3.2.4. Adding a default review : addR

In a real hurry? Fear not because The Food Diary has built in default reviews! You can use this command to quickly add a review with minimal typing. The command and syntax to add default reviews is much shorter and simpler than the normal addReview command.

These default reviews are representative of the rating scale from 1 - 5. There is a default review entry associated with each default review rating. They range from:

  • Default review of rating 1: "Very poor, never ever go again." to

  • Default review of rating 5: "Excellent, must go again."


  • Adds a default review (according to NUMBER) to the specified restaurant (according to INDEX).

  • NUMBER indicates the rating of the default rating to add, i.e. if NUMBER is 3, the default review of rating 3 and entry "Average, normal" would be added to the indicated restaurant.

  • INDEX refers to the index number of the restaurant of the currently displayed list of restaurants.. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • NUMBER must take a value of either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.


  • addR 1 4 adds a review of rating 4 and entry "Good, would go again." to the first restaurant on the displayed list.

3.2.5. Edit default review entry (Coming in v2.0)

Edits the default review entry according to the specified index. This allows you to customize your default review entries.

Format: editR NUMBER re/NEW_ENTRY

  • Edits the default reviews of the Food Diary according to the NUMBER specified, i.e. if NUMBER is 3, the default review corresponding to the rating of 3 would be edited.

  • NUMBER must take a value of either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

  • NEW_ENTRY is a text field that includes both alphabets and numbers.


  • editR 4 re/Not too shabby at all changes the default review corresponding to rating 4 to "Not too shabby at all".

3.3. General Features

3.3.1. Personalising your food diary with your name: name

Personalise your foodDiary with your name
Format: name n/YOUR_NAME


  • name n/Jack Stone

3.3.2. View your profile and usage statistics : view

View your individual Food Diary profile and usage statistics.
Format: view


  • view

  • Example of profile statistics is shown below:


Figure 7. Your profile statistics will be reflected in the result command box as pointed out in the picture above

3.3.3. Share to Facebook: share (Coming in v2.0)

Share your reviews to Facebook.
Format: share INDEX

  • You have to use select command to select a restaurant whose review will be shared.

  • The index refers to the index number of a review shown in the selected restaurant’s list of reviews.

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

Steps to share your review to Facebook:

  1. Select your desired restaurant by either clicking on it using a mouse or executing the select INDEX command, using its index number to replace INDEX.

  2. Enter share INDEX command, replacing INDEX with the desired review’s index number to indicate the review to be shared.

  3. Enter your login details when prompted by the Facebook pop-up.

  4. Give write permission to The Food Diary post the review on your Facebook account. Rest assured that your account details would not be retained in The Food Diary to protect your privacy.

  5. Click the Share to Wall button when prompted and you’ll see your review on your Facebook wall!


  • list
    share 2

You will not be able to share the review to Facebook if you do not give The Food Diary write permission to your Facebook account.

3.3.4. Undo a command : undo

Undoes your last command.
Format: undo

This command is only able to undo commands that made a change in the state of the Food Diary. i.e. Commands such as select, list, listUnvisited and find will not be able to be undone using this undo command.

3.3.5. Redo a command : redo

Redoes your undo command.
Format: redo

This command is only able to redo a command that was undone by an undo command.

3.3.7. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

3.3.8. Saving the data

The Food Diary data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous Food Diary folder.

Q: How do I return to default screen?
A: Enter the command list to show all the restaurants.

5. Command Summary

Restaurant Commands

    e.g. add n/Astons p/66123024 e/ a/Blk 30 Geylang Street 29, #06-40 po/267951 w/

  • edit : edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [po/POSTAL_CODE] [t/TAG]…​ [w/WEBLINK] [o/OPENING HOURS]
    e.g. edit 2 n/MACS

  • delete : delete INDEX
    e.g. delete 1

  • list : list

  • listUnvisited : listUnvisited po/POSTAL_CODE
    e.g. listUnvisited po/267951

  • sort : sort [or/ORDER] [l/LIMIT] e.g. sort or/ASC l/2

  • find : find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS] e.g. find KFC Chicken

  • select : select INDEX e.g. select 2

  • setCategories : setCategory INDEX [c/CUISINE] [oc/OCCASION] [pr/PRICE_RANGE]
    e.g. list
    setCategory 2 c/Fine Dining oc/Wedding pr/$

  • filter : filter KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
    e.g. filter fast food gathering

  • visitWeb : visitWeb INDEX
    e.g. list
    visitWeb 1

Review Commands

  • addReview : addReview INDEX re/ENTRY rr/RATING
    e.g. addReview 2 re/Peach Pie was amazing rr/4

  • editReview : edit INDEX [re/ENTRY] [rr/RATING]
    e.g. edit 2 re/Food isn’t the best

  • deleteReview : deleteReview INDEX
    e.g. delete 3

FoodDiary Commands

  • name : name n/YOUR_NAME
    e.g. name n/JackTheSheep

  • view : view
    e.g. view


  • undo : undo

  • redo : redo

  • help : help

  • exit : exit